Week 6- So many thumbnails

I broke the stand down into separate components, the head, legs, clothes, and torso.

I initially wanted to go with a bird like figure, with avian legs.
I briefly designed some clothing, but decided this wasn't quite the look I wanted to achieve, as it looked more human like than robotic, like a stand.

I started with the head, as I felt this was the most important element, mainly giving the stand it's identity. I chose to go with the feminine, nurse like look. I felt the mix of a nurse, and plague doctor captured "The Cure", but I also feel there's a lack of female coded stands, and it has an almost ambiguous androgynous look to it, as it isn't overtly feminine.
I then drew a range of torsos. I felt this part of the design was more about trying to create something that is consistently "stand-like".  I asked people for feedback on which design to chose, and surprisingly most of those I asked said bottom left. The design I felt was the dullest, but seemed to be the most striking and stand out. Sometimes simple is more effective.
